Friday, 31 July 2009


YEAH has (if you dont know already) been created FOR YOU. The project is designed to enable you guys to get your work out there and be seen. YEAH will soon have a new website which will be a platform for you to further your career.

SO if you have a exhibition, a private view, a show, a blog, a new book, track, Cd, Album, what ever.

We want to help you.

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

YEAH Daddy is back

Hello all!

Errey is back! i am back from my amazing hols. Eurotrip, best roadtrip ever it was FANTASTIC. Making friends with the locals is the best. I will remember bar la tasca and Carlos the barman who tried to take me somewhere unknown with an old man, forever.

SO yes i am terribly sorry that i disappeared for a while, i needed to party. BUT i am back and Stevie and I are ON IT. The mag is coming along. We have been put back a bit but we are still out on the 15th of AUG. This issue is set to be the best yet. PLEASE buy a copy off the site. The project is for you, so please support it.

YEAHs new website is looking like mega beautiful. Stevie has been working her little otter like fingers to the bone. The new site is going to be the new beautiful platform for the YEAH community and we hope you enjoy it and you can get your work seen!!

Support us! We love you.

My advice is to go to Barcelona and grow a tash.

Friday, 17 July 2009


Errey's off living it up in Europe for two weeks, so in his absence, you've got me today, and seeing as the Blog is usually his domain, I have to kick myself to remember to update it!!

SO... Sorry for the lack of posts recently, we've been mega busy with YM003 and the new website!! It's all looking good for the launch in August, keep your eyes peeled here, on facebook and on twitter for more news!!

Once again, MASSIVE thanks to all the contributors who have submitted work for YM003, the standard has been raised once again!! 

If you missed the deadlines this time, but still want to get involved... Our next theme for YM004 is URBAN. Get thinking, we'll be setting the deadline sometime in September or October!!

One last thing, if you haven't already, don't forget to go to our website ( and buy a copy of the magazine now before it's too late!!

Love love,


Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Fashion Blog

We found a Fantastic Fashion Editoral BLOG. If you are looking for inspiration or ideas this site is GREAT!