Sorry it's a bit late guys, things have been a bit dramatic since I got back!!
I managed to spend Monday night in A&E and Tuesday in the Emergency Eye Hospital... To cut a long story short, I have one very poorly eyeball!! I'm even sat writing this blog with one eye closed.
Last time I wrote, I think we were just heading out on Saturday Night. So I'll start from there...
We went to Per's apartment for the night, ate good food, drank a bit too much and chatted to some awesome people. Of course we did some work too!! There will be some VERY exciting photographs coming soon from that night, we met two of Johan's Models from YM003 RETRO.
Somehow we managed to stumble back to the hotel at about 5am, and get a bit of sleep before our last day in Gothenburg =(
Sunday was a bit of a sad day, neither of us wanted to leave. We wandered around the city for a while, bought ourselves some amazing T-Shirts - Look out for them in YM004!! Then we met up with Johan again, had coffee and croissants and chatted about the magazine. Between the three of us we came up with some amazing ideas, and are feeling even more motivated than ever about the whole project.
As we were doing the final walk back to our Hotel to get the bags and head home, Johan said something that jinxed the journey home. He said it was brilliant how everything had gone so smoothly and with no problems.
He spoke a bit too soon!!
We turned up at the airport, got to security and were told our bags were too heavy and we would have to check them in. Nope, we decided to empty out anything heavy, and put it in our pockets, sound's like it would never work, but it fooled her!!Going through the security checks, I set the metal detectors off with the buckle on my boots, and Errey had his bag searched - all because he stole a pint glass from the hotel.
And as if that wasn't enough... We got through to the departure lounge, and spent the next 20 minutes frantically hunting for Errey's car keys.
But we did eventually find the keys, get on the plane and get home. And I think I speak for both of us when I say that it was an absolutely incredible weekend.
We got a lot of work done, had a lot of fun, met some amazing people. We learnt that Errey and Johan might as well be twins. And that Errey and I bicker like a married couple, think the same things at the same time, and finish each others sentences. (Just for the record, I'd like to point out that despite what a lot of people might think, we are not a couple)
I don't think we can really explain just how fantastic the whole weekend was, but hopefully you'll get the idea from these blogs, and all our photos, and the countless stories that will no doubt come out in time.
We want to thank Johan for looking after us, and showing us his amazing home town. As well as all his friends for their generosity and hospitality - Per, Johan, Eva, Marlin, Robert, Niclas, and everyone else we met!!
But now it's back to normality, and time to crack on putting together YM004 ready for it's release in November!!
If you ever get the chance to go to Gothenburg - Do It. It really is an incredible city.
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