There’s never a dull moment on planet YEAH. I feel like I’ve been a bit out of it recently, having just moved house, I’ve been left with no internet. They tell me it’ll be another 7 to 10 days until I’m connected to the world again.
As much as I love having Internet on my iPhone, it’s just not the same. This blog is jumping through hoops left right and centre just to get to you guys. I’m sat in my internet-less flat writing it, and tonight I’ll whack it on a memory stick (old school), hand it over to Errey, who will post it on the Internet when he gets back to civilisation.
But anyway, enough of me and my moaning. Tonight marks our first meeting in the all new YEAH HQ, aka my kitchen table, and it is one hell of an agenda.
As always, there have been so many exciting things bubbling away in the background, and now it’s time for them to all come into the light!
So, if I can rack my brains and remember everything, here it is…
The Scene
Why not start with the obvious, eh? Our seventh issue is coming on fantastically; so much incredible content has been submitted so far. So much so in fact, I got a call from Errey a few days ago telling me we need more space. We’re working on it, but don’t let this put you off… Keep on submitting!!
A Snappable Competition
Yup, you heard right… We’re holding a competition. We’ve teamed up with a T Shirt company, Snapshut, to find a unique T Shirt design to fit with our 8th issue, REBELLION.
You can find out more details on the dedicated competition website –, and you’ve got until September 30th to get your entry in. If you don’t enter, you won’t see your design on a limited edition T Shirt, nor will you win the Cash Prize or back catalogue and subscription of YEAH. So what are you waiting for?
Hop over to the website to read the rules and guidelines.
Disposable Yummyness
We went to local grassroots project, Disposable Perspective’s exhibition opening last week.
The project really celebrates everything that is fantastic about film photography, especially the often forgotten gem of disposable cameras!
We are starting to work on a very exciting project with Disposable Perspectives… But you know what? I’m not going to tell you about that just yet. Well, we wouldn’t want to overload your excitement glands!
YEAH in a gallery
Well, a pop up shop. After Disposables exhibition last week, we fell in love with the gallery space, stole a few contacts, and the rest is history…
August 16th sees the opening of YEAH’s first ever exhibition. Neatly fitting in with the launch of YM007 – THE SCENE, this exhibition will be a celebration of everything YEAH.
We’re still planning the details, and we’ll get back to you on that one soon. But for now, put the date in your diary, and we’ll see you there.